Faith Reformed Church

Cedar Grove, Wisconsin -

Phone: 920-668-6725
Faith Reformed Church has been organized for 53 years as a member of the Reformed Church in America (RCA). It was birthed from the other RCA congregation in town, with whom we still hold a close relationship. Faith Reformed adheres to historic, orthodox, reformed theology. The Word of God and its proclamation is central to our spiritual life. We are complementarian, which means women participate in every aspect of leadership in our congregation, with the exception of the offices of Deacon, Elder, and the Minister of the Word. Due to increasing acceptance of progressive theology in the RCA, the leadership of our congregation is currently assessing the best denominational fit for us, and the potential of transferring membership to a more conservative denomination. Faith Reformed is comprised of 110 families. Our worship attendance average is around 180. Our active membership is 200. The membership of our congregation is evenly distributed: a third is 20 years old or younger, a third is between 20 and 50, and a third is 50 years or older. [Note: All numbers in this paragraph are approximations.] While serious about our faith and doctrine, we have a light-hearted view of ourselves. We are: gracious rather than legalistic, flexible rather than rigid, family-oriented rather than professional about our worship and events. We are gradually learning how to thrive as believers and witnesses in a changing culture. We value making disciples who make disciples, but are just learning how to do so. We are growing in our commitment to reach the lost in our own community and among the unreached peoples of the world.